Kristin Leisman et l'éclipse solaire !

Kristin Leisman et l'éclipse solaire !

Kristin Leisman and the Solar Eclipse!

Kristin a été notre gagnante du cadeau Solar Eclipse avec nos amis de et nous a envoyé quelques photos de son temps passé à capturer l'éclipse! Merci Kristine ! J'espère que vous appréciez vos prix !

Sac à bandoulière Think-Tank-Spectral


4 commentaires
  • Thank you. It was an unexpected blessing for sure!! The total eclipse was so amazing that I had to fight through tears of pure joy to capture the moment!!!

    Kristin le
  • Awesome picture, great job, congratulations!

    Tricia le
  • So excited for you girlie. You deserved it. Could not have happened to sweeter and more humble person. xoxo

    Kathy le
  • So excited for you girlie. You deserved it. Could not have happened to sweeter and more humble person. xoxo

    Kathy le
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