Before we get stuck into part two, part One of our Pop-Up Photographic Print Shop Sale is over here and, if you like, pop on some 'photo related music' while you're browsing? (Thanks, 3Leggedthing)
This photograph from 'The Art of Mezame'
We started with ten of the photographers who replied to this tweet, sharing their online print sales, if nothing else to raise awareness of each other and maybe help with a print sale or three. This little curation project is something we'd love you to share with non-photo industry friends that might like a stella piece of photographic art, or sport, or wildlife, or portraiture on their walls, in their office, straight to the pool room, etc. As ever, enough of my rambling and onto Part Two of the ThinkTank Pop Up Photography Print Sales Shop Thingy...
ThinkTank Pop Up Photography Print Sale - Part Two
2. JWN Photo
4. Tigz Rice
6. Alex Buisse
7. Max Waugh
8. Taylor Handy
You can click the links above to see prints for sale, Instagram accounts, websites, order forms, but ultimately, you'll find work by photographers that are doing it tough or out of regular work that need support, either through a print sale or a share, etc.
As ever, be careful with online transactions, be good to each other, share buttons below to share this post with your friends.