As a wedding photographer, there are various challenges you may face during the wedding day shoot. Many of the challenges that arise are unexpected and require you to act quickly to find a solution. We reached out to wedding photography editing company, ShootDotEdit to gain insights into techniques that are ideal for preparing for and overcoming wedding day challenges.
Here at ShootDotEdit, we specialize in editing wedding photos for professional photographers. We also provide photographers with solutions to grow their businesses and streamline their processes through educational Online Trainings, Guides, and more. In a recent Online Training with Collin Pierson, supported by Think Tank Photo, we discussed some of the wedding day disasters photographers face and quick ways to conquer them. Here are some of the top strategies Collin personally uses to create memorable images for his clients, no matter the scenario.
Prepare for Any Weather Condition
Whether you face rain, sleet, snow, or ice, you may not know what you will encounter on the wedding day. In addition to those conditions, there are other more severe weather conditions you could face, including tornados, floods, and more. Collin has faced several of these scenarios and can attest that, as long as it is safe, you can create images for your clients. Although inclement weather can be frustrating and may require you to rethink your initial plans, it will be a part of your shoots at some point (especially depending where you live and the season).
Image by Collin Pierson
When you take the opportunity to capture images for your wedding clients during inclement weather, they will be happy you made the effort for them. It shows that you are invested in their experience and want to do what makes them happy. Regardless of the scenario, use your knowledge and skills to quickly shoot with your clients so you can create memorable images for them.
Pack an Emergency Bag
Because wedding day shoots are typically long, it is likely you bring along a bag of items that includes snacks, water, and a few other necessities. In addition to this, pack an emergency bag filled with items that may be useful during a wedding day challenge. Some of the items Collin brings along with him are mints, fashion tape, static guard, an emergency kit, blotting papers, deodorant, and more.
One of the best parts of an emergency bag is to provide your clients with a sense of assurance. They will feel more confident in you because they know you came prepared for anything. Even if you do not need to use any of the items, your clients will still feel comforted in the thought that you would help out if necessary.
Bring Additional Items
Along with your emergency bag, you can also bring additional items that will help you when a challenge arises. Collin brings a reflector to use when there is mud, rain, dirt, or sand on the ground. He has his clients stand on the reflector (with the coding facing down so it is easy to clear off), so the bride’s dress and both of their shoes do not get dirty. If you do not have a reflector to use in this capacity during the wedding day shoot, you can also bring white trash bags. Similar to the reflector, you can easily clean off a trash bag and use it again when needed.
Collin also brings black trash bags to his shoots where he is going to be stuck in the rain to shoot. You can place the trash bag over your head and camera, poke a hole for your lens, and capture images of your clients. The trash bags are ideal to keep your gear safe while you are in weather conditions that could cause harm.
Dress for Comfort (and Weather Conditions)
Although it is important to dress in a way that reflects your brand, make sure you dress for comfort. Wedding day shoots are often long and require you to be on your feet all day and move around to capture the shots. Collin wears clothing and shoes that represent his brand, but also are comfortable and allow him to move as needed. He also wears clothes that are not expensive so he does not mind if they rip or get dirty.
Image by Collin Pierson
It is also important to think about the weather conditions you will face. If the wedding shoot is in extreme heat, you want to be as comfortable as possible and avoid any sort of heat exhaustion. In the same way, if it is winter and it is freezing, you should be prepared to keep yourself warm while you shoot outdoors. When you dress for comfort and weather conditions, you can eliminate any distractions that happen during the wedding day and focus on your clients.
Wedding day challenges happen to every photographer. Because they are inevitable, the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for every shoot. The strategies Collin uses during his wedding shoots allow him to conquer any challenge and create memorable images for his clients. Keep in mind, the more prepared you are, the easier it will be to overcome anything that comes your way. Additionally, the preparation will be recognized by your wedding clients. They will be happy with you and the overall experience you provided for them.
Many of the tips above cover how to prepare and shoot through inclement weather conditions. What about lighting scenarios that provide challenges? Do you have a plan in place to shoot through and create dynamic images during any lighting situation? Discover the top tips to identifying and manipulating light to help you overcome challenges when you download our Lighting Guide for Wedding Photographers!
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